Two Sides

Word Used for Prompt: Weapon

Dont aim your hateful words
Filled with venom and chaos
At me like I’m the one who
Set in motion your self spiraling
Destructional behaviors.
Check yourself first
Because you’re not the only one
Armed with a weapon
So dangerous it could
Tremble the earth you walk on.

A Single Moment With You

Word Used for Prompt: Cell

Every inch of my body
From my skin to my soul
I know every cell in my body
Reverberates with excitement
Just by you saying my name
And the smile crosses your face
Just staring in ignoranceful bliss
At my unknowingness of your
Undying and unconditional love
For me.


I let you consume
my thoughts longer
then one should.
I am finally
letting go of
the animosity
that I’ve clung to
for years to
make me feel better
about my burning
Depression that clung to me
like a shadow.
I’m sorry for holding
such hatred in my heart
when I was harming myself
more than helping my inner peace
I set you free in hopes
I will finally heal in
the ways I should have
years ago.


I may be a background
character in your lives,
but I am content with
even just existing
for even just a moment’s time;
because in those moments
I was important enough
to share a special memory
we may never get to have



Current Events

As of lately, my life has spiraled with
One thing after another;
a series of events
that is slowly making me numb.

The static in my head
is like music to my ears.

I don’t feel much anymore,
except the negative emotions
that have taken over my brain
to call it their home.